Monday, January 30, 2017

Is This Thing On?

Man's been quite awhile, hasn't it?

I never intended to stop blogging. I love the little memories and things that were preserved during my time blogging, and Justin and I both have found ourselves going back and referencing my blog archives to remember little things--recipes, details from trips, stories from when Lizzy was little. I love that those parts of our life are accessible.

I never intended to stop blogging for all of those reasons, and yet somehow I did. And the more I think about it, the more thankful I am. The reality is that we've walked through some things in the past year or so that were probably best left off the internet. God, that sounds so cryptic and awful. Very little of it was truly awful, there were just several challenges that I couldn't have written about on this space, and then would have felt disingenuous by not talking about. There were also several occasions that I am SO thankful I wasn't blogging because I probably would have written a stream-of-consciousness style post that I'd likely later come to regret.

All that said, it's time. I'm back...sort of. I'm not sure that I'm ready or interested in returning to full-on lifestyle blogging, so definitely don't expect THAT from me. But what I do miss is writing book reviews. I've never stopped recording what I've been reading and telling you what I thought about it on Instagram, but I'd like to get back to doing real (longer) reviews. So, that's what I'm going to do--fill this little space with my thoughts on books. I hope you'll stick around.

If you're still out there, drop a comment and let me know what the best book you read in the past year was, and why! 


  1. Welcome back Mere! I'm in the middle of Small Little Things, and finished Present Over Perfect. :)

    1. I HAVE Present Over Perfect, but haven't read it yet! I'm excited for it though!

  2. Yay! Excited to read your reviews. So far, most of the books I've read this year have been from your Insta reviews! First book of the year was When You Reach Me (don't remember if that was a rec from you or not, but SO GOOD! Loved it), then I read Modern Lovers (liked it, didn't love it). Just finished Wonder (serious love/, so, so good, but dang, it made me ugly cry) and I'm currently reading The Sun Is Also A Star. Next up is the Wool series you've raved about and I'm, like, #200 on a waiting list for Small Great Things. Also put All The Ugly and Wonderful Things on my hold list...though I'm a little scared for that one, ha! Growing up in an area where meth is a huge problem really makes me want to read it, though.

    1. It makes me so nervous whenever someone tells me they picked at book from my reviews!!! I want you to like them as much as I did!! I think most people will either absolutely love or absolutely hate Ugly and Wonderful things. Either way, I want to hear what you think! I am DYING to talk to someone about it!!!

      When You Reach Me wasn't a recommendation from me--I actually added it to my "to read" list after seeing YOUR review!


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