Monday, June 18, 2012


Today I am.....

{good-tired} from a fun-filled weekend of garage sale hosting, pool partying, good food eating, and baseball watching.

{blessed} by my sister, who paid off one of our debts as an anniversary present (you know you're a grown-up when that gift is as good as a gift certificate to a fancy restaurant).

{hoping} we remember to take time some other day to actually celebrate our 5-year anniversary since this Saturday and the weekend in general are pretty slam-packed with stuff.

{overwhelmed} by everything on my to-do list for the next two weeks.

{frustrated} by how messy my house is, and the fact that it probably won't get cleaned in the near future due to the aforementioned to-do list. And guys, I don't even know when the last time our bathrooms were cleaned.

{excited} to finally read Insurgent--I have been number one on the wait-list at the library for some time, and I'm getting quite anxious for the person whose book was due back on June 4th to return their copy!

{unsure} why my N key keeps popping off my keyboard.

{glad} that Justin woke me up at 5-something am to help him find his keys. I couldn't fall back asleep, but that means I've had a quiet start to the morning before Lizzy gets up.

{so, so, SO thankful} that yesterday during church, Lizzy whispered "I love you always. You are smart, you are funny, you are kind, you are beautiful." I just about cried right there. I am so happy she's hearing and internalizing all of those things.

{hoping} this Monday is kind to you all!


  1. {so, so, SO thankful} that yesterday during church, Lizzy whispered "I love you always. You are smart, you are funny, you are kind, you are beautiful." I just about cried right there. I am so happy she's hearing and internalizing all of those things.
    LOVE this part. Some people lose sight of the fact that to SHOW love and affection, kids have to BE SHOWN love and affection. Way to go mama! You're doing a great job!

  2. Oh my gosh! That Lizzy is precious!!! That tugged my heart for sure!

  3. Wow that last one made me tear up! What a great post!

  4. Oh gosh, I know Lizzy can be difficult sometimes, but it's obvious you're getting through to her and that you guys are wonderful parents. What a sweet little girl! :) And, WooHoo for a debt being paid off, we've decided to sell our second car to finish paying off some debts


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