Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Do Wah Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy Do

I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of October. Somebody posted last week how many shopping days there were until Christmas, and my jaw literally dropped. HOW is it almost that time of year again?! 

We still don't know anything about refinancing our house. Our original home loan is a USDA Rural Development loan, and apparently there was a special program for refinancing those loans, but the funding for the fiscal year ran out some time ago. The funding was expected to be renewed for the 2013 fiscal year sometime this month, but as of now, it still hasn't been. And that's just the first hurdle in the process! We'll see how that goes. I'm still crossing my fingers and praying about it fervently...because Lord knows that not having a mortgage payment in November or December coupled with a $200 lower mortgage payment per month thereafter would be a major blessing for us!

 Justin had his last regular season softball game last night. Playoffs start next week. I am pretty sure that most of his team is hoping that this baby doesn't make her grand appearance until after November 5th so that he can come and play. 

But I'm not sure that's going to happen. I'm starting to have some contractions and other symptoms {that you really probably don't want to know about} with more frequency than before. I woke up this morning feeling a little blah, and I'm *so* hoping that it's just end-of-pregnancy stuff rather than the stinking FLU stuff that's going around. I have another doctor's appointment this afternoon, so I guess we'll see what he has to say then. 

As I told Justin last night, I'm not sure whether to be praying to go into labor, or praying NOT to go into labor! I have a few things I'd really like to tie-up before baby (like finish editing my one last newborn session)...but I'm also just kind of at the point of uncomfortable-ready-to-be-done....but then again, I could have two more weeks, so there's that.

Some friends are coming over for coffee today. One is a sweet friend from Mom's Group who has never been to our house before...and half of me feels like I really should be cleaning and straightening the house right now, especially the bathroom. The other part of me? Is tired. And I know the cleaning is really more for me than for her anyway. But really, I should get up and clean!

Lizzy is pretty funny right now. We've been working on learning about relationships--what things like father, son, husband, sister, aunt and such really mean. But she doesn't quite get it. Yesterday at Justin's softball game, she told one of the wives, "I'm going to cheer for your dad, Jeff!" Well yes, except Jeff is her husband...


  1. Ha! Cute Lizzy.

    I always feel conflicted when we have company too, feeling like my house needs to look a certain way.. until I remember that I'm only trying to impress myself and 99.9% of the time they wouldn't even notice.

  2. We also have a RD loan. Have tried to re-finance several times and they said we couldn't. You are now telling me more than the dad-gum loan agents are! So there is a certain program just for re-financing RD loans but the government has to have the funds to do so? I hope everything works out well for you!! Do you have to have an inspection and then go through closing again?

  3. Ugh - end of pregnancy is so tiring. Hoping baby takes an easy on you or comes soon. (After you get your edits done :)

    I hope you relaxed and let the house just be... your guest would probably appreciate the imperfection.

  4. I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of October either! Where did the year go? And that's too cute about the relationships. I never really thought about it but that must be confusing when you first learn it!

  5. I'm glad to see you didn't give birth at the softball field last night! :) Hang in there these last few days/weeks. Praying for you, friend! :)

  6. Oh man, baby is coming SOON, girl. Get ready!!!!


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