Thursday, January 28, 2010


So, I picked up some fabric at Wally World this morning and made a DIY baby wrap. As you can see, the babe is sleeping away, so I guess she likes it. I'm still kind of getting used to it, but this is definitely promising for getting some things done during the day. I don't love the color, but I wanted to give it a shot with $1/yard fabric before giving it a shot with more expensive fabrics.

If you want to make your own, the instructions are super, super simple:

1. Find a fabric that you like. If it's patterned, you'll want to look for a fabric that doesn't have a "wrong" side. I used a lilac colored jersey fabric so that I wouldn't have to worry about sewing a hem (jersey fabric will just roll inwards).  You do NOT want fleece...because it will be warmer than all get out. Even just the jersey fabric is really, really warm with her in it!

2. Buy 5-6 yards of fabric. If you're small, buy closer to 5, if you're bigger/taller, buy closer to 6 yards. I bought 5 yards, which seemed absurdly long, but if you look in the picture, I only have little tails left where I've knotted it.

3. Once I got home, I cut the fabric in half lengthwise. You're shooting for a strip of fabric that is about 5 yards long and somewhere between 20-30 inches wide. Mine is just over 30 inches wide, and I may trim it down even more because it's wider than I need, and bunches up.

4. Ta-Da! You're done. There are tons of instructions online regarding how to tie the fabric for the various different ways that you can carry your babe.


  1. I've been reading your blog for awhile and am not sure if I ever commented... So I guess it's about time :-)

    First of all, congratulations to your baby girl. She is absolutely adorable!!!

    I just had my 3 daughter and have been through different kinds of wraps with my first two girls (hotsling, etc. but never a moby). I just got the moby from a friend and no wish she wouldn't have spent that much money on it if I would have known that it's so easy to make your own. It looks great!!!


  2. Ops... just noticed my horrible spelling in my last post. Sorry ;-)

  3. Love it! I'm adding this to my list of "to make" things before baby comes. It's a lonnnng list. Ha!

  4. Wow! I can't believe you made your own! It looks really good...for some reason I think I would wrap myself in that and not be able to get out! but it does look comfy for the baby!

  5. This is neat, she looks so comfy!

  6. Great job! I hope you get a lot accomplished with it. Lizzie looks so warm and happy with you.

  7. Looks good! I'll have to keep this in mind- it must be nice to have free hands once in awhile!

  8. Very resourceful! I would have absolutely no idea how to get her in and out of that thing!

  9. That looks just like my SIL's wrap! And she paid a fortune for hers! Good for you!

  10. It looks great! And Lizzy looks so tiny in there :)

  11. That is awesome! You did a really good job! I bought my sister the pre-made kind, but it doesn't work nearly as well for a newborn as that one does. Nice job!

  12. Cute! I did the same thing with sale fabric from Hobby Lobby and I'm excited to carry Isaac around in it!

  13. That's so awesome- she looks so tiny! We had a Snuggle carrier with Cameron- and I hated it. I never felt comfortable with it on. I definitely want to try this with our next kid!!

  14. Awesome! and SO MUCH cheaper than an actual Mody wrap!

  15. Creative and thrifty...I like it!

  16. Cute! Aww, she's all snug.

  17. Aww! She looks so tiny and snug wrapped up with you! And you seriously, seriously look great -- I'm impressed.

    I hope you get a little more time to get some things done!

  18. In addition to beautiful little Lizard, your pregnancy has also given you waves of creativity that you are following through on! I remember you used to envy me and Sara for our crafty skills but you are reaching new heights here Mere! :D

  19. Also, I vote for you to take some serious black and whiters with you, your wrap and your little Lizard. SO much potential there for some beautiful shots. Justin is pretty decent with the camera, I saw enlist him after you've gotten your hair done for a mini photo shoot!

  20. I was lead here from Kristals blog and I ABSOLUTELY adore this idea and making it yourself for under $10 is HUGE! I love it! And for them, it looks so comfy!!

    Thanks for the post! I can't wait to try this idea!


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