Wednesday, February 24, 2010

6 Weeks Post-Partum

So. Six weeks postpartum looks and feels a lot like four weeks postpartum. To be honest, I haven't really lost any more weight. Maybe a pound or two depending on when I weigh myself. I feel really lumpy. I can definitely see the extra remaining weight in my hips and belly.

In terms of other postpartum stuff, the lochia has finally stopped...thank the lord! That stuff is just nasty. Blech. That said, I'm gonna be honest that pooping still hurts most of the time...and by 'hurts', I mean REALLY hurts. Like giving birth hurts (and I am not exaggerating here). Apparently, this can be normal depending on the degree of tear and what not. Also, I have developed hemorrhoids. I didn't have them at ALL during the whole pregnancy...but I have them now. Awesome. 

As far as breastfeeding goes, it's getting much easier as time goes on. I have a nursing cover (I just bought one from Target), which makes it easier and less stressful for me to nurse in public. That said, I'm still not always comfortable nursing in public...say in the middle of church....because Lizzy screams bloody murder while we're switching sides. If it doesn't happen instantaneously, she's not happy and has a cow. She also HATES to be burped, and usually screams bloody murder during that as well. So, I often try to pump enough that J can feed her at least once over the weekend. It's usually at church. Every once in awhile, my nipples will start to hurt again, but I think that's mostly because I get lazy about enforcing a good latch. When I do, they usually start to feel much better. 

I just got the okay to exercise on Monday, and I since worked out Monday and Tuesday. I mentioned yesterday that I wasn't sore after working out on Monday...but by last night, I was definitely feeling it in my quads. I used to have a hard time motivating myself to work out, but posting these pictures is actually a great motivator! In fact, even though today is supposed to be my "day off", I actually want to do something active. I feel better about myself when I do. I also finally broke down and bought a pair of clearance jeans from Old Navy (online, to get the talls). Maybe they'll hold in my belly better than the elastic panel on the maternity jeans? 

Speaking of holding in one's belly....I used to wonder why most moms I knew wore their pants (even pajamas or sweats) fairly high. Even ones that used to be the queens of low rise pants seemed to wear their pants much higher after having a baby. Now I know. Higher pants = Belly Held In = Less Lumpy.


  1. Good job on working out! You sound very motivated. Just remember though, it took 9 months for your body to "bake" Lizzy and put that weight on, it's gonna take awhile to get it off ;)

  2. Great job on working out! What kind of work out are you doing???

  3. Woohoo for working out. I am already feeling motivated and my baby isn't here yet! I think it's because Mr Jax is going to be here during bikini season ;) Haha. Hopefully the sunshine will come and stay in Oregon soon! I always feel more motivated to be active when it's sunny out! :)I'm so proud of you friend, for being such an awesome mom! :)

  4. Oh yea i know all bout wearin the pants high, not very attractive but its the only way to keep the belly tucked in! haha

  5. Strange and awesome that you have reached a mom pants understanding stage in your life. ;)

  6. I'm glad to hear you are so motivated when it comes to working out...I hope I'm the same when I'm cleared for it!

  7. Good for you for staying motivated to work out. I am terrible about it.

  8. Nice job on the working out! I give you props for feeding in public! Way to go. I hope I'll be able to be that brave!

  9. I'm only 2 weeks post-partum, but I'm so ready to be able to work out again, mostly because I have my work cut out for me.

    It sounds like you are off to a great start with your workouts

  10. i so love your candor and vulnerability in posting this picture and sharing where you are. amazing, friend!
    ps - i still want to try 30 day shred ... maybe it's time!
    hugs. =)

  11. awesome that you are hanging in there with the shred. I didnt last more then 3 times. I'm better off at the gym! Keep up the good work lady.

    I tagged you on my blog!

  12. I'm glad you got the workout clearance! It will make you feel less stressed, as well! You'll definitely feel better!

  13. Hey now...I'm a Mom and I wear my pants low...when no one's around...shoot.

  14. A friend of mine got the "ok" to start working out this week, too, and she's so excited! Way to go, girl. :)

  15. With both my boys I breastfed till about a year or so, and around 7-8 months with both I lost a lot of weight. Hang in there and give yourself time!


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